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How safe is Split, Croatia?

How safe is Split, Croatia?

Croatia is certainly one of the most popular summer destinations in Europe, it is buzzier than ever and visited by millions of tourists from all over the world every year. Visitors come to admire the natural beauty, clear sea, ancient cities and excellent food. Around 20 million people visit Croatia annually, which is more than enough reason for you to want to come, too!

Split, the second-largest Croatian city, is known for its ancient sights, sandy beaches and rich nightlife. Next to Dubrovnik, Split is the most important part of Croatia’s tourism with millions of visits every year. The highlight of the city is the well-preserved Diocletian’s Palace, not only a UNESCO World Heritage Site but also one of the filming locations for the hit series ‘Game of Thrones’. Split is definitely worth a visit!

How safe is Split to visit?

Split is considered safe and has a low crime rate, meaning that you can walk around the city freely and fearlessly. It is absolutely possible to have a carefree vacation here if you use common sense and obey by general rules of safety. If you decide to spend your vacation in Split, do not worry and try having fun since most people in Split are hospitable and willing to help.

There are some things to be aware of. For example, make sure to take care of your personal belongings. Nightlife in Split is very popular and it is highly unlikely that you will be attacked or robbed in Split, even during the night hours. Tourists with different skin colour, origin, religion or sexual orientation can feel safe because Split is highly tolerant. 

is Split safe to visit

How safe is Split for travellers?

Croatia and all its cities have a very low crime rate, being ranked as the 22nd safest country in the world. For women travelling alone, Croatia was ranked as the 7th safest country. However, though rarely, even in the safest places in the world, unpredictable things can happen, so it’s always good to be careful.

When you visit Split, the only unsafe things that you can stumble upon in a big Croatian city like Split are petty thefts and money scams. You should be aware that pickpocketing and theft are common in any popular tourist destination, so precautions such as keeping your wallet and phone in your front pocket and keeping an eye on your handbag or backpack are recommended.

Things to avoid while staying in Croatia

It is very important to try to obey the rules, but if a fine is issued, it should be paid on the spot. There are fines for walking around the town in your swimsuit, drinking alcohol on the streets etc. 

If your dog is to come along on the Croatian holiday, the entry regulations and the corresponding rules of conduct must be observed. Dogs are not allowed on public beaches. However, there are designated dog beaches where the four-legged friends can let off steam.

old town Split

General useful information

Travelling safely includes knowing the most important emergency numbers. For emergencies, you can dial 112; for police assistance, dial 192; for medical emergencies, dial 194; for fire emergencies, dial 193. The most important Croatian phrases for emergencies that are worth knowing are: ‘Trebam pomoć’ (I need help), ‘Molim nazovite policiju’ (Please call the police) and ‘Pomozi mi’ (Help me).

When it comes to some of the dangers, although extensive demining operations have been carried out since the Independence War in Croatia, there is still a risk of landmines, but only in very secluded areas! In these areas, you should not leave marked roads and paths, and there are triangular signs with warning imprints ‘Ne prilazite!’ (Do not approach!). Of course, nature parks and almost all inhabited places are not affected.

Crime rates are very low and violent crimes are very rare. However, keeping money, ID cards, driving licences and other important documents safe and mostly to pay cashless is important. If possible, refrain from parking in secluded areas and staying overnight in motorway service areas and car parks. 

You shouldn’t leave valuables and documents in your car or on the beach. It is recommended to check the prices in a restaurant before ordering. Also, be sceptical of any unusual e-mails, calls, prize notifications and offers. Do not give out any information about yourself!


Is it safe to walk during the night in Split?

The city, as well as the country it is in, is very safe and they both have extremely low crime rates. The safest parts of the city to walk around at night are the central districts and waterfront, but almost all parts of the city are considered extremely safe.

What are the average crime rates in Split?

Crime rates, as well as dangers of thefts, aggressive behaviour, drug-related crimes, assaults or any other crimes, are extremely low in the city of Split.

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