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Is Split in Croatia Worth Visiting

Is Split in Croatia Worth Visiting

Split is one of Croatia’s most popular tourist destinations, the largest city in Dalmatia and the second largest in Croatia. Its popularity isn’t new, as it has been an important spot ever since ancient times. Actually, a lot of its magnificent historical landmarks are from that period. Strolling through the old town core of Split and discovering its magical atmosphere will make anyone fall in love with this city.

While Split is full of history and tradition, it has many other things to offer. Located underneath the hills of Marjan, on the Adriatic coast, it’s perfect for a summer vacation or a hiking trip. Aside from natural and historical aspects, you’ll find many more interesting things in Split. Whether as a family looking for activities for children, or a group of friends who want to try out a boat party tour. Split has it all.

Unique historical sights

Split is probably best known for its historical sights, specifically the Diocletian’s Palace. The inner city centre is located inside the Palace or just next to it. It was built in the year 300 and is a part of UNESCO’s List of World Heritage Sites of Europe. A lot of other historical sights are situated inside the Palace walls so you can get a great tour of history and culture just by strolling the inner-city centre.

One of the most visited historical complexes in Split is the Cathedral of St. Domnius which includes: a mausoleum, bell tower, baptistry, crypt and treasury.  It’s thought to be the oldest Catholic cathedral in the world which is still in use in its original shape. Entering any part of this complex will make you travel back in time.

There’s one thing you need to keep in mind when visiting the historical sights of Split and that’s the crowds. Because of the large number of tourists, there actually is the best time for visiting Split and the best time of day for exploring the Palace. Try getting there just after lunch when everyone’s at the beach. The crowds are much smaller before 4 p.m. This also works for any of the other endless historical sights in the centre.

Aside from historical ruins, there are some other cultural and historical sights you should visit. One of the most important attractions of Split is the Ivan Meštrović Gallery. Now, a gallery, it was once the summer home of the most important Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrović. The whole villa was designed by Meštrović, and inside it, you’ll find some of his best work. In front of the gallery lies a beautiful Mediterranean garden, and it’s only a five-minute walk from the sea.

Diocletian’s Palace

Amazing local cuisine you must try

Because Split has such a rich history and culture, the people of Split held onto a lot of traditions, some of them being gastronomic. When visiting Split, you must try some of the local cuisine prepared in one of many “konobas” or taverns.

One thing you can find in a lot of bakeries throughout town is “soparnik”. It’s a simple meal where a layer of Swiss chard, parsley and garlic is placed between two parts of thin dough. Don’t be fooled by its simplicity, “soparnik” is a delicacy and you’ll soon realise why it’s often sold out.

Another dish you can’t skip is “dalmatinska pašticada”. There are several versions of this dish throughout Dalmatia, but you have to try the one from Split. It’s a kind of stewed beef served with homemade gnocchi.

Something you might haven’t heard of is the black risotto which is prepared with fresh squid. The black colour is due to squid ink, and it’ll leave you with the most peculiar after-lunch smile.

Great nightlife that young people love

Some might find it enough to explore Split during the day, but a lot of people will continue discovering this amazing town even at night. It’d be a shame to miss out on some of the great clubs in Split. As the largest city in Dalmatia, Split has a large music scene which covers all genres.

Thanks to this, everyone will find a club for themselves. Some are located near the sea and are a combination of beach bars and clubs, while others are in the city centre. You’ll have no problem finding them, and can even plan a tour of clubs in which you don’t spend the whole night in only one bar. The options are endless and you’ll soon discover how amazing Split is at night.

Great nightlife

Local climate

While planning your vacation to Split, it’s important to keep in mind the local climate and weather. Since this town is at sea, the difference in day and night temperatures is bigger than on the mainland. However, if you visit in summer, the night temperature will still be warm and much more enjoyable than at noon.

Split has a great position so it has moderate winters and you can continue exploring the town through all seasons. You’ll be able to swim in Split even after the season ends, and when a lot of tourists return home. However, a lot of the Croatian coast gets windy days of “bura” which is a cold wind and you’ll need a thin jacket even in summer in case this happens.

One-day trips you can make from Split            

Split is a great city by itself, however, it’d be a shame not to see some of its surroundings when vacationing here. There are endless options for one-day trips around Split, but here are some of the best.

Visit one of the islands by the ferry from the Split bay. One of the most popular options is Brač – an island on which you can have a thousand different vacations. There’s a great wind-surfing spot, one of the most beautiful beaches on the Adriatic, great nightlife and at the same time, peaceful countryside.

For a more unique experience, visit the Blue Lagoon near the island of Krknjaši. Here you can enjoy the crystal-clear water and picturesque landscapes while having the time of your life. There won’t be any crowds like on the coast here, so you can have fun with the people you choose. Take your group of friends or meet some new ones on the tour to the blue lagoon.

 Blue Lagoon

Sum up, why Split is definitely worth a visit

This city has it all. There are numerous historical and cultural landmarks with some of them even being on UNESCO’s list. Some are in the inner city centre so you don’t have to take a long walk. Aside from historical landmarks, the nature around town is magnificent. You’ll discover crystal-clear sea and beautiful pine forests with deep Mediterranean shade. Just by taking a walk on the hill of Marjan, you’ll fall in love with this region’s nature. 

If you’re more interested in the people of Split, there are endless nightclubs and bars for you to meet your new friends and enjoy the vibe of this city. No matter your preferences, Split has something for you.


How many days should I stay in Split?

While you can explore the inner city centre in two days, it’s best to take a week to discover Split. You can’t go wrong with booking an even longer vacation since there’s so much to do in Split.

Is Split very busy during summer?

Yes, Split gets busy during summer, but you can escape the crowds if you travel smartly and see the most visited spots during lunch hours or early in the morning.

Is Split well connected to nearby islands?

Yes, Split has several ferry lines to any of the nearby islands. There are even taxi boats and rent-a-boat options.

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